About the Method
What is Feldenkrais®?
Moshe Feldenkrais
Founder of the Feldenkrais Method
The Feldenkrais Method® is a cutting edge approach to learning, development, and change, and has been in existence since the mid-twentieth century. Developed by Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc. The method effectively applies known scientific principles that modern neuroscience recognizes as central to the healthy development of the human brain and its synergistic functioning with the body.
Many people come to the Feldenkrais Method® for help with back pain or other movement difficulties related to pain; others because of difficulties following a stroke or other neurological issue; and still others for refining the use of themselves for athletic or musical performance.
Group Classes
Individual Sessions
Individual sessions, known as Functional Integration®, are hands-on sessions and custom tailored to the needs of the individual. Many people come for Functional Integration sessions and Awareness Through Movement during the same period of time and find this combination beneficial for their learning and overall integration of a higher level of skill in how they use themselves.